Press statement

DEADLINE:  14.05.2024, 13.30 hrs

Dr. Ulrich Lotz, Managing Director of FBF Betondienst GmbH, Organizer of the BetonTage

The spoken word counts!

Dear Sir or Madam,

This is the third time we have held the entire event at the Congress Centrum Ulm with the Maritim Hotel. The now established BetonTage location, which will, however, be taking the spring feeling with it for the last time for the time being, as we will be back in the first quarter from 2025, a wish of many, although the mild temperature naturally also has its charm. The desire for Live is much stronger again, our number of participants has grown by over 10 percent and our exhibition is also fully booked. I am particularly pleased that we have a large spectrum of the start-up scene here, proof of the dynamism and innovative strength of our young building material concrete.

More than ever before, we are mapping the complete construction process when building with concrete and focusing on precast concrete components. Research institutes, manufacturers, suppliers, structural engineers, architects and construction companies are in dialog under the motto “Shaping transformation”, with a dual mission: on the one hand, concrete construction must become significantly more sustainable: with lighter structures and resource-saving use of materials. On the other hand, we are so self-confident that we are convinced that with modern prefabricated concrete components, we represent the most sustainable construction method of all in the long term.

For this purpose, you can put together your personal desired program in more than 120 presentations. How can you build in a way that conserves resources? What contribution does the concrete and cement industry make to this? What are the current findings of research in this area? Where to

are the trends going? BetonTage aims to provide answers to all these questions. We are expecting more on each of the first two days

than 1,000 participants, on the third day there will be a good 800. The core target group, the manufacturers of precast concrete parts and concrete products, has continued to grow compared to the previous year, as have the representatives of the construction industry, where the fifth “Future Day Construction Industry” is being held together with colleagues from the construction industry.

New format: The live podcast from TalkConcrete

Let me just mention our new format this year, the live podcasts from TalkConcrete, which you have probably been familiar with from LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram or Spotify for two and a half years. After all, the protagonists of sustainability development are here: the cement industry, construction chemicals (our valued new congress partner) and our industry organizations, which provide new sustainability solutions and systems. Today at 3 pm and 4 pm and tomorrow at 2 pm, prominent representatives will answer questions in front of cameras and microphones and present these ways to decarbonization.

In focus: digitalization and lightweight construction

Jörg Heynkes has already highlighted the rapid pace of digitalization this morning and our industry will also be able to benefit from this development. The same applies to resource-saving lightweight construction, which we will not only be focusing on with the keynote speech by Werner Loscheider from the BMWK, but also with our program up to the third day with the “Lightweight construction” panel of our congress partner Composites United CU Bau. The opening of the second day of the congress will also focus on systemic, serial construction with prefabricated concrete components. How can high-quality living space be created quickly while meeting sustainability and attractive design requirements? With Dr. Michael Six from Goldbeck for construction practice and Prof. Peter mark for research, leading wolves are also on the podium here.

Proven: Precast concrete components in focus

Manufacturers of precast concrete components remain the core target group of the congress. A large part of the program therefore focuses on

continue to focus on topics relevant to the industry. Important technical impulses are provided by the product-specific panels that have been planned with the relevant trade associations. They range from lectures on structural precast concrete construction, concrete products for road construction, landscaping and gardening, lightweight concrete to cast stone. Innovative production and manufacturing processes, the latest developments in concrete technology and selected project reports show where the sustainability journey is heading in these areas.

Practical benefits for manufacturers – exhibitors provide impetus

However, the main drivers of innovation and impetus for practice are, to a large extent, our exhibitors from the supplier industry, who will be presenting new products and processes for practice in short lectures on two days in the Innovation Forum. This year, we were once again able to award the Innovation Prize for Concrete Components from the supplier industry, a well-deserved recognition of their innovative contributions, from among 23 submissions. The exhibition, also featuring many start-ups, is the centerpiece alongside the congress program, it is fully booked, and all meetings on the first and second evening of the congress take place in the middle of the exhibition, giving dialogue and networking a special quality.

International commitment

Our event expertise continues to bear international fruit: In 2025, we will host the international congress of the mortar industry, the EMO Mortar Summit, from June 26-27 in Düsseldorf. Many exhibitors and participants at BetonTage are also involved in this area of mineral building products, and sustainability performance will also be a central theme here. With the 25th edition of the BIBM Congress from May 20-22, 2026 in Rome, we are going to the place “where the story began…”

and  ,  , together with our industry umbrella organization and, of course, our Italian colleagues in particular, offer an international insight into sustainable industry developments for concrete components.

And visit us on social media, too, where we promote industry work for sustainability in building with concrete components, for example, through our monthly video podcast #TalkConcrete. BetonTage also has its own profile there and already has over 3,000 followers