The BetonTage are...

Europe's largest trade congress for the concrete industry


Managers from concrete and precast plants and construction companies


Experts from science, research institutions and public institutions


Planners from architecture and engineering firms

Quality assurance

Quality assurance professionals

Unique combination of technical program & exhibition

More than 2000 participants

Once again this year, participants can expect a top-class technical program, renowned speakers and a wide-ranging exhibition of the machine, software and supplier industries.

Motto of the 69. BetonTage

Rethinking sustainability

Die BetonTage-Termine für 2025, 2026 und 2027

BetonTage dates for the coming years

The dates of the BetonTage until 2027 have already been set. Mark them in your calendars now:

70. BetonTage: March 10 – 12, 2026
71. BetonTage: February 23 – 25, 2027

Structure of the exhibition

Struktur der Ausstellung: Unternehmen aus folgenden Bereichen präsentieren sich als Aussteller

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Our sponsors & partners

bureau international du béton manufacturé (bibm), Träger und Partner der BetonTage

Bureau International du Béton Manufacturé (BIBM)

BIBM is the international trade association of the concrete and precast industry and strives to defend the interests of the industry and promote international cooperation.

Logo von Deutsche Betonteile, Träger und Partner der BetonTage

German concrete components

With the aim of increasing the impact and perception of the industry in the public and in politics, numerous industry associations of the precast concrete industry - regional and national organizations - have bundled their already existing, long-standing cooperation on transnational and interdisciplinary topics.

Logo von Fachverband - Beton- und Fertigwerke Baden-Württemberg e.V., Träger und Partner der BetonTage

Baden-Württemberg Concrete and Precast Works Association (FBF)

The FBF represents the Baden-Württemberg manufacturers of prefabricated, cement-bound components. As a business and employers' association, it supports and advises its member companies in the fields of economics, law, collective bargaining and social policy, and technology, among others.

Logo von Bauwirtschaft - Baden-Württemberg e.V., Träger und Partner der BetonTage

Construction Industry Baden-Württemberg e.V.

The construction industry creates living space | connects people | secures pipeline networks | provides climate protection | offers jobs | trains people | is competent and efficient. Around 1,700 members are organized in the Baden-Württemberg brownfield association - small and medium-sized construction companies as well as large construction-industry companies. With a good 43,000 employees in the areas of building construction, civil engineering, road construction and expansion, they create lasting value for future generations.

Logo von Composites United e. V. - Netzwerk CU Bau, Aussteller auf den BetonTagen, Träger und Partner der BetonTage

Composites United e.V. (CU)

Composites United e.V. (CU) is an association of companies and research institutions covering the entire value chain of high-performance fiber composites in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. CU Bau is the leading European network for the industrial application of fiber-reinforced materials in construction.

Logo von Composites United e. V. - Netzwerk CU Bau, Aussteller auf den BetonTagen, Träger und Partner der BetonTage

CU Construction

Five working groups are currently active in CU Bau: "Fiber composites for new construction and refurbishment", "Processes, procedures and digitalization", "Design, planning, dimensioning and construction", "Sustainability, health and circular economy" and "Education, public relations and cooperation with authorities".

Logo von Deutsche Bauchemie e.V.

Deutsche Bauchemie e. V.

Deutsche Bauchemie represents the interests of manufacturers of construction chemical products based in Germany. The association supports its member companies in all matters within the area of competence specified by the industry framework.

fib - fédération internationale du béton Träger und Partner der BetonTage

fib - fédération internationale du béton

The International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) formed by 43 national member groups and approximately 1,000 individual or corporate members, aims to develop at an international level the study of scientific and practical matters capable of advancing the technical, economic, aesthetic and environmental performance of concrete construction.

Logo von Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V., Träger und Partner der BetonTage

Main Association of the German Construction Industry e.V.

The Federation of the German Construction Industry (HDB) is the umbrella organization of the construction industry in Germany. BAUINDUSTRIE is the voice of construction vis-à-vis politics, administration and society and campaigns for the overall interests of the industry.

Logo von Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton (dafstb), Träger und Partner der BetonTage

German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb)

The DAfStb has the central task of promoting concrete construction as a safe, durable, economical and environmentally friendly construction method. It is the platform on which all activities of concrete and reinforced concrete construction in the field of research as well as regulation converge.

Logo von DBV, Träger und Partner der BetonTagen, Träger und Partner der BetonTage

German Concrete and Construction Technology Association (DBV)

The DBV is an association for the promotion and further development of the scientific and technical fundamentals of concrete construction and civil engineering. Its tasks include the processing of rules and regulations and collaboration on national and international regulations, the dissemination of experience and knowledge through events and publications, and the promotion of research.

Logo von IAB - Institut für Angewandte Bauforschung Weimar, Träger und Partner der BetonTage

IAB - Institute for Applied Building Research Weimar (DBV)

The future of construction is unthinkable without innovations. As a partner for application-oriented contract research, IAB's aim is to create synergies between business and science and to develop forward-looking solutions. Because the best way to realize innovations is to help shape them.

BFT International Betonwerk + Fertigteiltechnik, Träger und Partner der BetonTage

BFT INTERNATIONAL Concrete Plant + Precast Technology (BFT)

For more than seven decades, BFT has been the recognized industry magazine for manufacturers of concrete products and precast elements as well as for companies active in precast construction. It is aimed primarily at executives in this important industrial sector, and is distributed worldwide.