At BetonTage 2024, there will again be a practical workshop on 15.05.2024. Here, theory and practice go hand in hand, with technical training and subsequent practical demonstrations. The workshop will take place on the 2nd day of the congress under the direction of Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Eugen Weber.
In the morning, the technical introduction will take place at the Congress Centrum Ulm, the venue of the BetonTage: Experts from the industry will present the theory of their respective fields in 20-minute lectures. After a coffee break and a visit to the BetonTage exhibition, the participants will finally travel together by bus transfer to the Ferdinand von Steinbeis School in Ulm, where the practical part will follow after lunch. Here, the topics from the morning are taken up and clarified with practical demonstrations. Finally, there will be a bus transfer back to the BetonTage.
The program and more information will follow soon.
Registration for the Practical Workshop will be possible from the beginning of 2024 via the BetonTage ticket store at
Phone: +49 711 32732-326